This sermon was preached on Sunday, February 22, 2015. The texts for this sermon were: Genesis 9:8-17 , 1 Peter 3:18-22 , Mark 1:9-15 , and Psalm 25:1-9 . We’re talking a lot in church about wilderness this Lent. If you were with us on Ash Wednesday, you may have picked up a little Lent kit bag of your own piece of wilderness to take home with you. As I was setting up that devotional space in my own home, carving a nice, neat spiral in the sand, I realized I carry a lot of ideas about what wilderness is already even before I open the Bible. Sometimes I like to think about wilderness as a beautiful, pristine place, unspoiled by modernity or urban life. I picture an idyllic, sun-lit meadow, filled with chirping birds and no evidence that any other human being has ever existed—not even a footprint! I carry that image of wilderness somewhere within me each time I venture into nature. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been out in nature filled with peaceful sereni...