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Showing posts from March, 2019

Sunday, March 24 - Turn

This sermon was preached for the Third Sunday of Lent, Sunday, March 24 at Grace Episcopal Church in Medford, MA. The readings for this sermon are:  Exodus 3:1-15 , 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 , Luke 13:1-9 , and Psalm 63:1-8 . I was doing some reflecting with some of my classmates as we prepare to graduate from seminary and I shared that one of the main lessons I keep learning again and again is that everyone I meet is pretty much just doing their best. Most of the time, we’re all flawed human beings just doing our darnedest. One of my classmates thought about that for a second and then said, “I have a story for you.” And she told me about when she served at as a parish administrator in a church in England. There was this woman that came to the church week after week and asked for five bus tokens. Never said why, never asked for anything more. Just five tokens for the bus week in and week out. Until, one week the woman stopped coming. When she appeared some time later, she came in and