This sermon was preached on Sunday, May 5, 2019 for the last Sunday at Episcopal Church of Our Savior, Oakland, CA. The readings for this sermon were: Acts 9:1-6, (7-20) , Revelation 5:11-14 . John 21:1-19 , and Psalm 30 . The first part of our Gospel passage today comes at a moment when the disciples are learning to recognize Jesus’s presence among them in new ways. Jesus no longer walks and talks with them as a teacher and friend. If you remember in the Gospel last week, Jesus appears in the midst of the disciples where they were gathered in fear. In this week’s Gospel, Jesus arrives in the moment of scarcity and stress for the disciples and leads them into plenty and joy. Let’s look again at the ways the different disciples recognize Jesus: - One disciple recognizes Jesus in the surprising abundance filling their nets. - Peter recognizes Jesus when his friend testifies, “It is the Lord!” - The others know him as Jesus in the shared meal he...