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Showing posts from April, 2020

Sunday, April 26 - Keep Walking

This sermon was preached for the third Sunday of Eastertide for online worship on Sunday, April 26. The readings for this sermon were:  Acts 2:14a,36-41 ,  1 Peter 1:17-23 ,  Luke 24:13-35 , and  Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17 . So I have to say that in Lent, the feeling of being wilderness, of sacrifice and fasting…that all made sense and seemed to fit. But now that we are on the other side of Easter, I find myself drawn to Peter’s language of exile from our epistle today. Peter addresses his letter “to the exiles of the Dispersion” and refers to “this time of exile.” With this language, Peter invokes the times of trial when the People of God were expelled from their temple, their homeland, wrenched from their normal patterns of life and worship. Exile’s not off the mark these days. We are all exiled from, in some way or another. Exiled from our school community, our jobs, our friends, our own place of worship—the places many of us feel closest to God. But we are also exiled...