This sermon was preached on Sunday, January 31 for a joint online service with St. Andrew's and St. Michael's. The text for this sermon was: Mark 1:21-28. A week or so ago, I was honored to baptize a dear friend’s newborn son. It was just the four of us—baby Jack, his parents, and me—around the small font in the chilly garden, but it was no less real or special. Though we kept the service brief, I took the time to go through the movements of the liturgy with my friends before we began. In every preparation session with parents, there’s that awkward moment when we get to the renunciations – one of the two sets of three questions we ask the parents and godparents to answer on behalf of their child. The questions, you may remember go like this: “Do you renounce Satan and all the spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God?” “Do you renounce the evil powers of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God?” “Do you renounce all sinful desires t...