This sermon was preached for Christmas Day, December 25, 2023. The texts for this sermon were: Isaiah 52:7-10, Luke 2:1-20, and Psalm 96. A couple of Sundays ago a group of us went Christmas caroling to a local retirement community and an assisted living facility. As I was walking into our second performance, a middle-aged woman approached me, guiding an elderly man by the elbow. “Is this where the caroling is happening?” she asked. She and the man who was clearly her father sat right up front and as we started into the first hymn, I saw tears well up in her eyes. She continued to cry, softly, as we sang and her father sang, too, in a soft, slow baritone. I held her in my heart as we sang, although there was no way for me to know why she was crying. Tears are so many things: sadness, fear, but also happiness, relief, profound joy, gratitude, appreciation of beauty. All I could really be sure about was that our music touched her deeply. Yesterday at the Christmas Eve pa...